Showing posts with label solving problem. Show all posts
Showing posts with label solving problem. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

There is only so much energy available to us in life

The inspiration.. 
Spend our energy in profitable way, that is either lifting our self or serving others.

Quote of the day.. 

"There is only so much energy available to us in life.
Spending it on solving problems is one possible way of living
your life, but this may leave you empty-hearted; spending it
on what excites you is a lot more fulfilling and fun -- and
effortless; and usually, the previously experienced problems
vanish on their own. We don't have to battle against the
darkness when all we need to do is turn on the light."

-- Andrea Moritz

Bits for Moving Up... 
Examine your goal before exerting power and energy, find ways to sustain it in order to


A problem well stated a shame A. A. Milne ability able Abraham Lincoln accept accept difficulties accept fail accept failure acceptance accessible accomlishment accomplish accomplishment achieve achieved achievement achieving act act of kindness action actions activity admit advice afraid age ahead aim high Albert Einstein Albert Ellis Alexandre Dumas Pere alive Alwyn Cosgrove Andrea Moritz Andrew Carnegie angry Ani DiFranco Ann Landers answer Anthony Robbins apply appreciate appreciation Aristotle Arnold Schwarzenegger around art Arthur Caliandro Arthur Rubinstein ashame ashamed ask asked associate assumptions attention attitude attitudes attract audience Audrey Hepburn Author Unknown avoid Ayn Rand back bad bad stuff Barry Michels battle battles be content be patient bearing beat beautiful beauty become becoming begin beginning beholder belief belief. unproven believe Ben Franklin benefit Bernice J. Reagon best best behavior for special occasions best friends best product best task best today best years better Better to remain silent and be thought a fool beware big Bill Harris Birds bitter blame blessed blessing Bob Hope Bob Moawad Bob Parsons body boiling books born born for a reason borrow Bowmen bend their bows when they wish to shoot brains brave braver break breaks breathe bricks broader Bruce Lee Buddha building business buying by chance by choice calm Calvin Coolidge capable carefully catch Catherine Gordon cautiously Cavett Robert cease worrying challenge challenges challenging champion change change the world changed changes character chase cheerfulness cherished chew child children Chinese Proverb choice chop Christopher Morley Christopher Robin circumstances clear vision clebrate clever climb closer cloudy code colorfully comfortable life commandment commit commitment company compare compassionate complain compose concepts confidence confident conflict confuse connection conquer consideration consistent constant contagious contentment control control yourself convince counselors country courage coward cowardliness cracked Craig Ballantyne crankiness crawl crazy create creation creativity credibility credit crowning cry culprit cures curiosity curious curse customers cutting Cyndi Lauper daily Dale Carnegie Dan Kennedy Dance dark darkness Dave Kekich David Danio Jr. David Livingstone day dean death Debby Boone deep breath defeat deficiencies defines definition Denis Waitley Dennis Merritt Jones deposits describe design desire desires destination destiny detail determination determine detour Dick Clark die difference difficult difficulties difficulty digging diligent diminishes discipline disciplines discourage discover discovery dishonest do do anything Do not wait do the best Doe Zantamata doing doing something Don Miguel Ruiz don't give up don't need don't put the head long at the level of the feet. don't settle don't talk done dormant dots doubt down. stand Dr. Robert Anthony Drake dreadful dream dreamer dreams duplicate duties dwell Dwell not upon thy weariness Dwight D. Eisenhower E. O. Wilson early early rising habit earnestly ears easier Eating education effect Eileen Caddy Elisabeth Kuebler-Ross Emma Stone emotional emotions empty end end today ending endures enemies enemy enjoy enough enthusiasm environment envy Epictetus Eric Barker Erma Bombeck essentials establishing eternal Ever tried? Ever failed? No matter everybody everyday everyday life everyone everything example excellence exist experience experiences expert explore extraordinary eye eyes fabulous facts fail failing fails failure Failure is never final faith fall in love fallen fast fate fatiguing fault fear fearless fears feel feelings figure out find finest steel fitting flame flexible flower fly focus focusing follow the head follower fool foolish foresight forget forgivable forgive forgiveness forgiving formula forward foundation fountain of youth Frank Sinatra freaks Fred Allen friend friends friendship frightens fun future future generation fuzz gain and spend game Gay Hendricks generosity Genius genuine George Bernard Shaw George Herbert gift Gilda Radner give give the best you have give up giving glory go goal goals Godly going up gold golden Good good habits good health good luck good mind good things got grab grace Grace Kelly grandparents Grasp gratitude grdges great great believer great dreams great products greater greatest grief ground rules grow grow old growing Growing old is not pleasing growth grudges Guy Finley habit handle hanging on happen happiest people Happiness happiness of life happy hard hard work hardship Harry Browne Harry Emerson Fosdick hate head healed relationship health heart hearts heat Helen Keller help helping hand Henry Drummond Henry Miller Henry Rollins Heritage heroes hidden hide higher hindsight history holding on holiest home honesty honor honorable hope hopeless horse hours hug human human nature human value humanity humor hundred hurry hurt hurts I am I will not die an unlived life idea idea and act idealize ideals Ideals are like stars ideas identity idle if If you don't know where you are going If you see someone without a smile ills images imagination imagine immovable imperfect imperfection imperpection important important things impossible Impressive speech improve improvement improving increases incredible individual inessentials influence innovate insight inspire Inspiring messages Integrity intelligence intelligent intensely interest interested Internet intuition invest investing involve Irish Blessing It is not who is right J.M. Thoburn Jack LaLanne Jack London James Allen Jeanne Moreau Jerry Seinfeld jewels Jim Rohn job is self portrait John D. Rockefeller John F. Kennedy jonaflormicfren Joseph Campbell Joy judge Julia Child junk keep friends keep looking Kevin O'Rourke key kill kills kindness kindness daily kiss know knowing knowledge knowledge of the past knows L.M. Montgomery Larry Elder Larry Winget laugh Laughter law lazy lead leader learn learn to say I don't know learned learning learns leave leave it led Leo Babauta less talk lesson lessons let go life life is too short life. begin lifestyle lifting light light reflects strength like limits Linda Poindexter link Lisa Wilson listen listener listening little live lived well lives living Lois Wyse look look ahead look back looking losing love love what you do loved loving self and others luck luck work Luis Bunuel magnificent man man is not finished man's like Marcus Aurelius