-- William Arthur Ward
Other idea..
No matter what kind of weather may come and arise, stay ready and in control. Because a cloudy
No matter what kind of weather may come and arise, stay ready and in control. Because a cloudy
A life with mistakes does greater than a life with no mistake. Because our mistakes emphasizes
It is not the years you exist, nor the accomplishment you present that measures your life. It is the moment that you use to let other feel and enjoy the life they posses. Life is what you have
We are born with reason but we don't succeed without a plan. Set a plan then commit yourself,
Books provide details and information, knowledge is the food of mind. We need to collect and
Don't mind if you commit mistake in a performance, love even though you always hurt, talk and explain though they don't listen to you, and make this earth a little heaven down here. Never
They say that it is more easier to sustain than to let it go. To release something that you have
Though positive thinking helps to improve and accomplish good results, let us prepare for the